Back to school: actions to take

Back-to-school time is a crucial period for associations because it’s the perfect moment to attract new members, strengthen relationships with existing members, plan activities for the coming year, and promote the visibility of the association.

Actions to take:

  1. Recruitment of New Members: Back-to-school is the ideal time to recruit new members. Organize information sessions, presentation meetings, and integration activities to encourage them to join your association. Highlight the benefits and opportunities it offers.
  2. Activity Planning: Take advantage of this time to develop a detailed activity plan for the coming year. Determine the events, projects, and goals you want to achieve. Ensure that the planned activities align with the interests and needs of your members.
  3. Strengthening Relationships with Current Members: Don’t overlook your current association members. Organize back-to-school meetings to inform them about upcoming projects, listen to their ideas and concerns, and encourage them to get more involved. A united group is essential for the success of any association.
  4. Communication and Promotion: Use social media, school posters, emails, and other means of communication to promote your association. Create a website or social media page to keep members informed about upcoming activities and important news.
  5. Training and Development: Organize training sessions for members, focusing on developing skills useful for the association’s activities. This can include workshops on project management, effective communication, leadership, etc.
  6. Financial Management: If your association has funds, ensure responsible financial management. Prepare a budget for the coming year and track expenses responsibly.
  7. Establishing Partnerships: Look for partnership opportunities with other associations, local businesses, or organizations that share similar interests. Partnerships can strengthen your influence and expand your resources.
  8. Evaluation and Reflection: Take the time to evaluate the achievements and challenges of the previous year. Identify what worked well and what can be improved.
  9. Celebration and Cohesion: Organize welcome events or social evenings to create an atmosphere of cohesion and camaraderie among members. A united team is more likely to achieve its goals.

Back-to-school is a busy time, but it offers many opportunities for associations to thrive and grow.

By careful planning and being proactive, an association can start the year on a positive note and create enriching experiences for its members.