Discovery Pass (« Bring a friend »)

Version française

If you wish to invite one or several friends for one of the outings with the club, regular outings during the first 5 week-ends or week-end outings after, proceed with the « Discovery Pass » (Pass Découverte). An outing with this pass includes the transport, ski pass and complementary insurance «carte neige FFS», but not the ski lesson with an instructor during the first 5 week-ends. The Discovery Pass is available for one person and one single time (could be the whole weekend) only. Note that for the full weekend outings members have always priority and places are limited.

Registration procedure (NB: normally takes a few days to complete):

  1. Create an account for the guest
    Attention if you are already a member, you will not be able to use your account for your guest, each guest should have his own account in order to continue the procedure. The medical certificate is not mandatory for a guest coming with the Discovery Pass.  For the field of medical certificate, please upload a document in pdf format explaining it concerns a request for a Discovery Pass.
  2. Select the activity (outing) the guest wants under « Planning » and pick the « product »:  « Outing-with-pass-decouv-no-instruct »
    You may continue to this stage when you have received the ID and password. Once selected you can pay online, however be aware that you can only do one discovery pass per season. If you wish to come again after the « taster » you must become a member.
    During the first 5 weekends in 2024, the outing price is 79€ (72€ is the price without a discovery pass) and your friend will NOT be able to follow a group as they are full, other outings are scheduled but the prices will vary depending on the destination.
  3. Get the Pass
    You need to be in possession of the Discovery Pass for the outing. The pass will be emailed to you once we have accepted your registration (manual intervention on our part needed, so this is not fast).

Deadline: please complete the full procedure before Thursday noon preceding the outing selected.