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For 2025 the price is €240. This includes club membership, 5 courses and 2 bus trips t the alps. The « cours de ratrappage » or catch-up class is intended to replace any classes that may have had to be cancelled. If no classes are cancelled, however, this course will still take place.See the CERN Ski price list for more details.
Do I need to purchase my own skipass?
Unlike previous years, all pupils will need to purchase their own skipass. If you intend to buy a daily pass at La Vattay before each course, please note that there can be a queue and make sure you give yourself enough time to make the purchase before the class begins.
If you want to purchase a season pass, you can do so on-line at https://montsjura.esecure.ch/en/. Certain tourist offices also sell them (such as the one in Gex). Note that prices become progressively more expensive after November 15 2023.
I cannot come to all lessons, can I have a reduction?
No – most of our costs are fixed. In the case of exceptional circumstances (bad illness, for example) please contact us.
Ski insurance (Carte neige)
Am I obliged to buy a Carte neige and inscribe to the FFS (French Ski Federation)?
Yes. As the CERN Ski Club is a member of the FFS, we are not allowed to undertake any activities with unlicensed people. Among other things, the civil responsibility insurance of the instructors (responsabilité civile) depends on this condition.
Am I also insured for downhill skiing?
No. On the other hand the standard Carte Neige that members of the alpine section have, also covers cross-country skiing. If you want to be covered for both then make sure you order the the right insurance when you inscribe.
How can I register?
On line. See the details in the section membership and account creation and subscription to activities. There is no longer any need for a medical certificate unless you want to participate in competitions, which is a legal obligation in France.
When can I register?
As soon as possible after November 9th. Not only are we obliged to limit numbers (50 max) according to instructor availability, it will vastly help our organisation.
Who can inscribe?
Anyone fourteen years of age and older. It is not necessary to work at CERN or even know somebody who works at CERN. We’re open to everybody.
How do I get to La Vattay?
In previous years there was a CERN bus but we have not been able to provide one this year due to cost. We will therefore attempt to put students in touch with each other so that they can organise their own carpooling.
How do I get to the two courses in the Alpes?
A bus will be organised. These courses will last all day and students should either take a picnic or find a restaurant for lunch.
How should I be prepared at the start of each course?
As lessons begin at 10am, make sure you are available on the starting area behind the skipass sales cabins at 09:45. Although it is theoretically possible to rent skis beforehand, there can be long queues and it can prove problematic. We therefore strongly advise you rent your skis before the first lesson. Remember to also clearly state to the person who is renting you the skis if you want classic or skating skis.
What happens during a course?
You will be informed of what group you’re by email in a day or two before the course. Note that you might change groups from one week to the next. The instructors will be assembled on the snow behind the main building at La Vattay in their CERN instructor outfits. Normally for the first course they will also hold a sign with their name. Find your instructor and make them aware that you have arrived.
Courses principally consist of exercises to help you improve your style. There will therefore be lots of stopping and starting. Although cross country skiing usually requires less clothing than downhill skiing, make sure you have enough to stay warm during the 5-10 minute stops between exercises see the secition « what should I wear » below for more details.
Who are the instructors?
All are volunteers who are trained & certified by the French Ski Federation to teach in a club structure. They are easy to spot by their blue CERN ski jackets
How can I change my group from one week to the next?
Speak to your instructor. If they agree, you are free to either go up or go down a level (sometimes more). Sometimes your instructor will also recommend a change in group to you.
What happens when there is insufficient snow?
If there is not enough snow, we will attempt to postpone all remaining courses by one week. We also have the catch-up course to make sure you can attend at least 5 courses. Last year was the first year since the start of the club when we have not been able to have 6 courses; we sincerely hope it won’t happen again for a very long time.
If the weather is bad, do the courses still take place?
Yes, unless there is exceptionally bad weather or the road to La Vattay is shut. If it’s just snowing a lot, courses still take place. You will be informed by email if there’s a cancellation.
How do I know if a course will be cancelled?
We will send an email to every person inscribed and also update the web-site.
Should I take something to eat and drink during a course?
Yes. The activity is physical so bring a drink in a flask (belts to hold drink bottles can be bought) and something to eat (cereal bar) if you think you’ll need to replace calories.
Will there be a family and friends day this year?
Currently, and in view of recent mild winters, our emphasis is in ensuring that as many courses as possible take place. No family & friends day has yet been planned.
Should we have an excellent winter and we decide to organise such an outing, invitees will need them to contribute to the outing like everyone else. Furthermore they will need to purchase a daily membership known as a « Pass découverte » from the FFS. The price will be announced once details of the trip have been decided.
Where can I rent cross country ski equipment?
In Switzerland at Hofstetter, Locaski (in Carouge) or Universport.
In France in the ski shop in la Vattay or at Intersport (Les Rousses) – Other are also available. A list of shops that give discounts can be found by clicking on this link
Be aware that the skating and classic styles have different skis, boots and poles! We advise you to rent for the season. A good assistant in any of the mentioned shops should be able to advise you on what to take according to your level and build.
Where can I rent ski equipment?
Many shops will sell you equipment, some will even give you a discount when you show your carte neige.A list of shops that give discounts can be found by clicking on this link
What should I wear?
Avoid getting too hot. Instead of downhill ski clothes, wear several lighter layers (depending on the weather, including a waterproof layer if necessary. Cross country ski gloves and a hat or headband are also advisable. Make sure your clothes are supple enough to move: if you can’t run in them then you can’t cross country ski in them either. Lastly modern materials rather than cotton, which has a tendency to absorb sweat and then get wet and cold, are advised.
Remaining informed & communicating with us
How does the CERN Ski Club committee communicate with its members?
Through email. We have several distribution lists (e.g. instructors & pupils) that we use to communicate all information other than what is on the CERN Ski Web Site. If you don’t receive any messages, especially a day or two before the next outing, remember to check your spam
Where can I find other information?
The CERN Ski web site contains a lot of information. The Thursday pre-season clinics are also there for you to ask us questions. Once the courses have started, feel free to talk to an instructor.
For any questions concerning courses during the season, don’t hesitate to contact pascale.skidefondcern@gmail.com