
There are 4 ways to enter a payment:

From cart

In the contact’s folder, cart tab, click on the + Payment button.

In the payment entry window, you can indicate the terms and accounting information “account”, “breakdown” and “category”.

Entering a payment will automatically generate a movement in your accounting. The recipe thus added will include the “account”, “breakdown” and “category” parameters.

Once created, you will see a payment line appear in the contact’s cart.

To delete a payment, click on the “delete” icon located in the cart, on the payment line on the right. This function is not available if the payment has been validated in accounting or if the financial year is closed.


From activity

If you wish to add a payment to participants in an activity, check the participants in the “participants” tab of the activity then use the collective modification function located at the bottom of the page: “add payment”.

You then just have to enter the payment method and the amount.

You will then find these regulations in the “fees” column of the “participants” tab of the activity but also in the member’s cart as well as in the journal in the “accounting” section.

From accounting

Add a recipe from the accounting section journal, to link this regulation with a contact you must fill in the “contact” field.


Online payment

It can be done from the member’s personal space (if online payment is configured in settings/options).

Online payment will automatically create the receipt line in the accounting and in the member’s cart.

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