Archives GT Anglais

Saturday 29 January 2022, 9.30-12 am – Online (TEAMS)

Defining and enhancing the skills needed in the future: exploring language educators’ perspectives

Covid-19 has shown the importance of being able to deal with a VUCA (vulnerable, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) world.  Now more than ever, educators are questioning and redefining the essential skills future citizens will need in the workplace. Research has shown that the need for manual and basic cognitive skills will be replaced by a higher demand for technological, social, emotional, and higher cognitive skills. As language educators, we have a responsibility and are in a unique position to help our students develop some of those skills.

During this 2.5 hour workshop we will explore and share good practice around the following questions:

  • Which skills, apart from language skills, do we think our students will need in their future workplace?
  • How do we ensure students develop these skills through our teaching?
  • Which teaching innovations/methods can we put in place to develop students’ future skills?
  • To what extent does the recent / current move to online teaching in a covid-context hinder or help us achieve these objectives?

This workshop will be based on presentations, each followed by a session allowing for questioning and sharing of good practice amongst ourselves.

Critical thinking: skills for the future

Annick MANCO, Institut d’Optique Graduate School

The teaching profession has recently undergone rapid change. We are using new methods and modern tools, we are expected to develop our students’ cognitive skills and the influence of AI cannot be disregarded. In all this, the North Star seems to be that critical thinking skills are vital.  Employers agree.

What can we do about it and how do we better prepare students?

Developing skills for the future through role-play simulations

Mary-Jane MICHAELIDES, SKEMA Business School

In this workshop we will explore role-playing in higher education before springboarding to the future of role-playing as a method to develop students’ skills in an ever-changing, complex world. Be ready to share ideas about the future of role-playing.

Incorporating divergent thinking in ELT classrooms

Helen NG, SKEMA Business School

This is a highly interactive workshop where you will learn to apply divergent thinking techniques to boost student talking time and reinforce grammar points, while enhancing students’ spoken fluency. These techniques can be adapted to all ages and levels and will spark unexpected elements of fun in your classroom. Get ready to draw, brainstorm, visualize, and laugh as you explore the various benefits of incorporating creative thinking into English language teaching.


2nd February 2019 : the morning event took place in TELECOM Paristech.

More than 20 English teachers, representing 16 different schools, met to discuss the issue of feedback. The half-day event culminated in a hands-on workshop led by Colin Mackenzie from IMT Atlantique, which provided participants with entertaining and hands-on methods for gathering student feedback.

Worskhop description:

Feedback is at the heart of our teaching practice and it is a major part of what we do, sometimes without our students even noticing we are doing it. It can take on many forms, it can be formal or more informal: from traditional written comments at the end of an essay, to e-voting systems; from tutor-led to peer feedback. We will be exploring how new technologies can enhance the feedback we offer students.

Feedback will also be explored in a wider context: how useful can feedback actually be when our students’ main preoccupation seems to be their grades?

  • Engaging students through feedback, Hélène Duranton and Elizabeth Tomacruz, SKEMA
  • Student feedback – who cares? Brendan Keenan, ENTPE
  • Feedback, go forward, Colin Mackenzie, IMT Atlantique