Online meeting and votes

Kananas allows you to easily organize your online meetings such as a general assembly or a conference. You can, if necessary, add a voting function.

  1. Create your meeting in Google Meet and get the link
  2. Create the activity in Kananas, add the participants
  3. Invite the participants using the ‘mail’ function of the activity, remember to paste the Google Meet connection link.

On the day of the meeting, make sure to log in 5 minutes before the start to welcome the participants.

Note: If you want to have the participants vote (only for users with Google Business level):

  1. During a meeting, in the top right, click on Activities  then click on Surveys.
  2. Click on Start a survey.
  3. Enter a question and add options for the survey.
  4. Select an option:
    • To publish your survey, click on Launch.
    • To save your survey to launch it later, click on Save.
      Tip: Saved surveys remain listed under Surveys.

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