Online membership

This module allows someone to request to join your organization. He will be able to independently create his file via your website which will then be stored in Kananas, with the status “pending”.

You will be notified of the request by email and a notification in Kananas. You can then validate the file and contact the person if necessary for additional formalities.

Setting up the membership form

The fields necessary for the request can be configured in the Backoffice: “configuration/online membership” menu.

You can add all the fields from your Kananas database to your form, indicating whether they are mandatory or not. To add fields, you must drag/drop them into the form. To change the order click and drag the field to a new location.

If you need to collect a field that is not in the list, you must start by creating it in your free fields.

You can also request the download of documents, the medical certificate for example. To do this, drag/drop the “document to download” field from the right column, you can modify the title once placed on the form. Please note that only one document will be collected per block of “document to download”.

By clicking on the “view membership form” button located at the top right, you can view your form as it will appear on your website.


If you wish to collect a payment relating to the membership, you must then configure the different levels in “online settings/membership”.

For each level you will then enter:

  • The title
  • The product associated with membership (example 2024 membership fee)
  • The information necessary to create the applicant’s file: type, category, tag.

Note that in the configuration of membership levels, you can authorize subsequent payment, the online payment phase will then be skipped but the product relating to the chosen level will be added to the applicant’s cart.


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